secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

March 26, 2010

Age Secrets of Binyamin Netanyahu

Born 21 October 1949 in Tel Aviv, Binyamin Netanyahu, current Prime Minister of Israel turned 60 last October, and entered his second 12-year phase of material aggression – a crucial year marked by an extremely aggressive and selfish ego needing to become materially relevant. On October 21 2010 he will turn 61 and his material aggression will evolve into material possession.

His aggressive streak at 60, until October 2010, is a worry -- if he is thwarted he definitely has the infantile capacity to press the button and wipe everyone including himself off the face of the earth -- but because he is motivated by material concerns it is hoped that he can exercise self-control.

His age secrets have the lot from being a Mother Hubbard character, hankering for the goodies he once had in his cupboard, wanting money and all that it can buy and aggressively achieving his material ego gratification goals by careful planning and investing to the extent of getting into debt in order to pamper his aggressive ego. Maybe his indecent proposal to continue with plans to build 1,600 new homes for Israelis in Ramat Shlomo, East Jerusalem despite world disapproval, is tied up with his own personal finances?

Anyway, this all changes in October 2010 when he consolidates, becomes super possessive, protecting and hanging on for dear life to what he has. He will attract envy, and others will do their best to divest him. Family arguments are rife. He won’t trust anyone, but odds are that he will get a very good deal -- maybe not as much as he wanted, but enough to satisfy a greedy 61 year old soul.

In October, 2011, at 62, Mr Netanyahu enters a year of material communication. He’s talking money and everyone is listening but it is a year of planning rather than a year of doing, and he could start thinking about running his own business or investing in the stock market.

Whether all of this means he retains prime mininistership in Israel and brings about a settlement to the Israeli-Palestine conflict at a huge cost to others and benefit to him; and eventually becomes a speaker on matters of wealth - remains to be seen.

Whatever, his motivation appears to be purely material and the aggression that fires him right now -- allowing him to strut the world stage demanding continuing aid to Israel, or else -- will leave him in October 2010, possibly very much enriched, and will be replaced in October 2011 by all talk and no action.

Read the full secrets at:

Age 12, 60, 108

Age 13, 61, 109

Age 14, 62, 110

and check out:

Netanyahu wants WW3?

Israel now a secular Russian colony?

Secrets of Avigdor Lieberman's Age

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