secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 28, 76, 124

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: ego
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: communicative pride/relationship pride/associative pride
Astrology: At 28 you're Gemini-Leo and energizing; at 76 you're Libra-Leo and consolidating; at 124 you're Aquarius-Leo (opposition) and changing.

At the age of 28 and 76 you experience social pride and may be in a position where you will be exerting quite a bit of power and influence over others.

At 28, your communication skills are at their best, reflecting a proud and authoritarian ego. If people have not listened to you before, then they will this year. You will be pulling strings, gaining a job that confers social status and you will undoubtedly become a pillar of the community or seek to become one. You are likely to making lots of changes this year to accommodate your new status.

At 76, you gain great pride from your partnership. Either the status of being married brings you into situations where your ego is boosted, or your partner becomes illustrious in some way and you gain ego kudos from him or her. Because your ego is involved, maybe this is the year that you take on a trophy relationship or become more authoritarian in a marriage than you were previously.

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