secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 25, 2007

Poor Fit Years

The age group descriptions have been cross-checked with people of most ages and the 'fit' is reasonably accurate in the majority of cases. When an age group description does not 'fit' you, wait until the year is over before passing judgment -- surprises often happen in the twelfth month. If you are still unconvinced then consider the effects of significant others on your life map this year. Check out the age of the most dominant person in your life for the year -- a partner, a boss, a parent or even a child -- and see if their age description is a better 'fit' for you.

In another instance, a man discovered that the 'following' year seemed to fit him far better than the description given for his actual ages. In certain parts of the world, conception rather than birth is believed to be more important, and for all we know it probably is. However, few people know the exact date of their conception and for this reason we must necessarily base our life cycles upon our birthdays. By putting his age forward nine months this man achieved a reasonably good fit.

It's possible, too, that your birth certificate is botched and you're a year younger or older than you think you are!

Another possibility is that you may have been a slow developer -- walking and talking later than your age cohort, or possibily had your development delayed by hospitalization or some other trauma. Any delay in your formative years may carry through for the rest of your life, and the ramifications of each year may come later for you than your age cohort.

Also, national and international events intervene in everyone's life to upset their personal applecarts. In a year of marriage, for instance, you might find yourself on the other side of the world embroiled in a war with wedding bells the furthest thing from your mind. In a perfect world, you could very well be marrying that year -- in an imperfect world you do what you're told to do.

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