secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 22, 70, 118

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: material
Phase Type: consolidation/change/energy
Year: social Year Type: consolidation
Expression: possessive group association/analytical group association/ambitous group association
Astrology: At 22 you're Taurus-Aquarius and energizing; at 70 you're Virgo-Aquarius and consolidating; at 118 you're Capricorn-Aquarius and changing.

At 22, 70 and 118, you have an overwhelming need to belong to big organizations -- political parties, religious or humanitarian organizations, global corporations and simply a new, cool group. Mainly, you join up with the notion that your material needs will somehow be improved by such an association, but it's possible that your need to belong is so great that you end up giving away your worldly possessions, or work unstinting hours, for an organization that abuses your need for its own financial gain.

It is a typical time for the young 22-year old to join a mission, a commune or the Peace Corps and do voluntary work. And it is a typical time, too, for the 70-year old to start giving back to society, even if this just means manning a jumble sale table at the local church or visiting the elderly in hospitals or aged facilities. Sometimes, material humanitarianism takes the form of green card alliances. Sure, you might alleviate the lot of someone in a third-world country if you marry them and bring them to a better life, but then again you might not. This is just a phase you are going through, and such alliances not only break the law but could also break hearts. Yours included.

At 22 you may have no money, and you're willing to share what you have and offer practical help to others less fortunate than yourself in return for the good feeling of 'belonging' to a big group -- and the possibility of gaining a lucrative paid position down the line -- but at 70 you are likely to have considerable assets and may have more to lose than gain from such associations.

There's genuine humanitarianism in you this year, but unless you're involved with a long-standing and familiar association there's a risk you will be overwhelmed by the needs of humanity in general or the association in particular. Material and social needs to not sit too well. Joining any association involves money, and humanitarian type associations involve ongoing money as well as huge commitments of time and energy.

Because next year is a very difficult emotional year, whatever you do this year will determine your emotional state next year. This year -- and this need to belong -- will not last, so draw a strict line between your money and your humanitarian instincts. Do not give up your job or your home or your possessions to follow a guru of whatever shade.

It's tempting this year to believe that the universe has grand plans for you -- especially if some guru has told you so and divesting yourself of your assets is the way to get there and taking some drug will get you there faster. Taken to extremes, you could become a dumpster-diver, feeding off restaurant leftovers, dressing in Op Shop clothes and living under the shelter of a bridge with other 'humanitarians' who've similarly fallen for some fast talking guru. Hopefully, you are going to be smart enough to avoid that fate.

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