secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 29, 77, 125

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: material
Year Type: change
Expression: communicative analysis/relationship analysis/associative analysis
Astrology: At 29 you're Gemini-Virgo and energizing; at 77 you're Libra-Virgo and consolidating; at 125 you're Aquarius-Virgo and changing.

At 29 and 77 you take stock of everyone in your life and figure out whether they are enhancing your life or dragging it down. Are they giving to you as much as they are getting from you, and are they as useful to you as you are to them.

At 29 you typically take networking very seriously. You are more inclined to mix with people who can advance your career and social status than waste time just hanging around with friends. You are more aware, too, of what you're saying and what others are saying to you. You choose your words carefully, and body language becomes important to you. You won't mind spending free time doing things for others if the status that comes with the commitment is worth the effort. If you've ever thought about entering public life, becoming a politician, then this is the year to do it.

At 77, your social analysis is directed at a partner. If your significant other is not pulling his or her weight, or enhancing your life in some way, then you will consider your options. Not divorce -- that's too drastic for this year -- but arranging time off or even putting your loved one into a nursing home is a typical scenario for this year.

Actually, this year could simply mean opting out of work for a year in order to have a family or to look after someone. It may not be your social life that gets analyzed, but your material life.

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