secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 20, 68, 116

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: material
Phase Type: consolidation/change/energy
Year: ego
Year Type: change
Expression: possessive personal development/analytical personal development/ambitous personal development
Astrology: At 20 you're Taurus-Sagittarius and energizing; at 68 you're Virgo-Sagittarius and consolidating; at 116 you're Capricorn-Sagittarius and changing.

At 20, 68 and 116 you will be spending up big on yourself. It's your year for personal development and pampering. Whether it's a trip overseas, a skiing holiday, higher education, a car or clothes or just 'stuff' you'll be spending up big this year. Of course, money doesn't grow on trees so you'll be working your butt off to pay for it all -- or digging in to your investments if you're not working.

This year, there's a bit of tension between wanting to build or maintain your material wealth and intuitively knowing that freedom is important to you, but you won't feel too guilty about spending up big on yourself. By doing so, you feel both rich and free!

Your philosophy is simple: "While you've got it, spend it, who knows what tomorrow may bring." You're on a roll, you're having fun and you don't want to think too much about the future. You may even risk getting into debt, or spending your last penny, in order to have the adventure or the ego trip of your lifetime.

For the 20-year old wanting to see the world, it's an adventure that may land you in debt. For the 68-year old wanting a luxury cruise or a facelift, it's a material expense that may cost you your life's savings. For the 116-year-old wanting to buy the elixir of life, it's a no brainer. You just do it.

Personal development and material risk are not incompatible. It's only money. Who wouldn't risk material assets for the excitement of a once in lifetime personal development adventure?

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