secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 19, 67, 115

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: material
Phase Type: consolidation/change/energy
Year: emotional
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: possessive invincibility/analytical invincibility/ambitous invincibility
Astrology: At 19 you're Taurus-Scorpio (opposition) and energizing; at 67 you're Virgo-Scorpio and consolidating; at 115 you're Capricorn-Scorpio and changing.

At 19 there is opposition between material consolidation (possession) and emotional consolidation(invincibility), typically expressed as selling your soul for material gain, or paying for salvation. Whether it's money or sex or anything else, you can't get enough of it this year. You will be insatiable. Because of the opposition you are driven into dangerous situations at 19. You need to be extremely careful not to get into serious trouble with drugs, cults, unwanted pregnancy, venereal disease, loss of good reputation and other misfortunes.

At 67 and 115 there is also a dangerous element -- almost a karmic element -- to this year. You are at risk of overestimating your wealth or your emotional capacity.

Something happens this year that has a tremendous affect on your wealth, for good or bad. You may indeed win the lottery, but invincibility implies being bullet proof -- which none of us are. It's a year when people incur heavy debts or are called upon to repay back debts.

It's definitely a year for 'dues' to be paid, but whether the dues are coming to you or from you is strictly a matter of karma.

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