secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 47, 95, 143

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: emotional
Year Type: change
Expression: sensitive confusion/invincible confusion/confused confusion
Astrology: At 47 you're Cancer-Pisces and energizing; at 95 you're Scorpio-Pisces and consolidating; at 143 you're Pisces-Pisces and changing.

The emotional roller coaster ride is coming to an end. Your 12-year emotional phase fades out this year, preparing you for a completely different 12-year phase next year. You have been so wound up emotionally for the past 12 years that the events of this year will confuse you. You have forgotten what being in a 'normal' emotional state is all about, and what it happens this year you are confused.

You are likely to start the year very much emotionally embroiled and may possibly experience an amazing emotional breakthrough before the denouement sets in.

Something happens towards the end of the year that changes your emotions, or directs your attention to other things. You are just not going to be as interested in emotionally involving yourself in everything as you once were -- or a change in your circumstances is going to make others less interested in emotional involvements with you. Either way, you'll be quite happy to move on to happier pursuits. You're ready for it.

You are about to leave all the emotional highs and low of the last twelve years and embark on a new phase. Your emotional development has matured to the point where it has actualized - it has expressed everything it was designed to express - and in this year you marvel at the emotional upheavals you have been through, the good, bad and downright awful.

For the first time in twelve years you are likely to be feeling a huge burden lifting from your shoulders. You may experience true happiness or peace for the first time in ages, but it is unlikely to be the type of true happiness you expected. Meditation is often discovered in this year. It helps still the confusion that this year brings.

On some deep level you know that you have run the gamut and paid your dues. It is a year to make peace - if only in your heart - with those who you have hurt or have hurt you. It is a year to let go and prepare yourself for a new phase. Your emotional status at 47 is likely to be with you for the rest of your life, or at least until you're 84, when you are due to experience your second 12-year emotional phase, so do your best this year to overcome the confusion and achieve stability.

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