Age 25, 73, 121
Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: material
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: communicative possessiveness/relationship possessiveness/associative possessiveness
Astrology: At 25 you're Gemini-Taurus and energizing; at 73 you're Libra-Taurus and consolidating; at 121 you're Aquarius-Taurus and changing.
At 25, 73 and 121 your social needs are possessive, you want to own people, have exclusive rights to a particular social status and enforce your views on others.
Typically, at 25 -- and most particularly at 73 -- you're marrying or re-marrying or consolidating your assets with others. Your social standing -- as someone worth listening to, or being involved with -- is more important than anything else right now, and quite understandably you don't want to be out in the cold ever again. You want to cultivate deeper friendships and entrench yourself so deeply into a social mileui that you're set for life.
At 25, your communicative possessiveness may take the form of gaining a higher degree -- and hence a higher status in society. You may write a book at this age -- or gain a job requiring a high level of communication. Social change and material consolidation may also mean settling down, buying real estate.
If you're married, at 73 your marriage is going to be more stable than ever before. You are unlikely to stray or deceive. Your commitment to a partner is such that you may be inclined to renew your vows at a ceremony -- or show it by buying your partner a flashy new wedding ring.
Generally, it's a year when people can rely upon you -- even though they may feel stifled by you.
Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: material
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: communicative possessiveness/relationship possessiveness/associative possessiveness
Astrology: At 25 you're Gemini-Taurus and energizing; at 73 you're Libra-Taurus and consolidating; at 121 you're Aquarius-Taurus and changing.
At 25, 73 and 121 your social needs are possessive, you want to own people, have exclusive rights to a particular social status and enforce your views on others.
Typically, at 25 -- and most particularly at 73 -- you're marrying or re-marrying or consolidating your assets with others. Your social standing -- as someone worth listening to, or being involved with -- is more important than anything else right now, and quite understandably you don't want to be out in the cold ever again. You want to cultivate deeper friendships and entrench yourself so deeply into a social mileui that you're set for life.
At 25, your communicative possessiveness may take the form of gaining a higher degree -- and hence a higher status in society. You may write a book at this age -- or gain a job requiring a high level of communication. Social change and material consolidation may also mean settling down, buying real estate.
If you're married, at 73 your marriage is going to be more stable than ever before. You are unlikely to stray or deceive. Your commitment to a partner is such that you may be inclined to renew your vows at a ceremony -- or show it by buying your partner a flashy new wedding ring.
Generally, it's a year when people can rely upon you -- even though they may feel stifled by you.
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