secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 26, 74, 122

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: social
Year Type: change
Expression: communicative communication/relationship communication/associative communication
Astrology: At 26 you're Gemini-Gemini and energizing; at 74 you're Libra-Gemini and consolidating; at 122 you're Aquarius-Gemini and changing.

26, 74 and 122 are ages where your risk becoming a scatterbrain, a gossip or so overwhelmed by information that your brain goes into overdrive.

At 26, you're all talk and no action and others see you as being totally unreliable. You may be a hit at social trivia or public speaking, but chances are you will know a lot about everything and nothing about anything in particular. The internet was made for 26-year-olds. You will thrive in an information rich environment. You could channel your unbridled communicative energy into writing a book, blogging, taking up a study course or becoming a spokesperson for the less articulate -- but chances are you will fritter away the year in mindless communication.

At 74, you are more likely to communicate with your partner -- or close associates -- than at any other time in your life. Even if it's just gossiping about the neighbors, or discussing the state of the nation, you will appreciate the ear of your partner. Whether he or she appreciates your sudden talkativeness is something else.

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