secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 41, 89, 137

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: material
Year Type: change
Expression: sensitive accounting/invincible accounting/confused accounting
Astrology: At 41 you're Cancer-Virgo and energizing; at 89 you're Scorpio-Virgo and consolidating; at 137 you're Pisces-Virgo (opposition) and changing.

At 41 and 89 you may be required to do some emotional accounting before making a commitment. There's a material change in your life this year -- possibly a change in employment, accommodation or finances, or even a relationship split that's caused a change in your financial circumstances -- and you need to weigh up the pros and cons of whatever new circumstances you find yourself in.

When emotional and material needs are in focus at 41 and 89, there is reasonable harmony. You are perfectly capable of juggling the two and giving or taking as the circumstances require.

All year, you will be keeping track of your emotional and material needs in relation to any commitment you make. When other people are involved, and they will be, you will be keeping a score card. Initially, you will do the giving, possibly putting your own emotional needs on hold in order to give emotional support to someone else, but when the score card starts tipping too much in the other person's favor your sensitivies will be hurt.

At 41, and most especially at 89, you are willing to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of a commitment -- an emotional reward that is promised to you in the future -- and because a commitment is a commitment as far as you are concerned you may find yourself trapped in something that does not work out to be as mutually beneficial as you expected it to be. And that presents you with a problem.

Contrary to good sense, you are likely to be still hanging on in there at the end of the year even though the rewards now clearly show that they are not worthy of the emotional sacrifices you made. Get mad or get even? Probably not.

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