secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 39, 87, 135

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: emotional
Year Type: energy
Expression: sensitive sensitivity/invincible sensitivity/confused sensitivity
Astrology: At 39 you're Cancer-Cancer and energizing; at 87 you're Scorpio-Cancer and consolidating; at 135 you're Pisces-Cancer and changing.

This year is 100% emotional. Your ego, material and social needs pale into insignificance. They don't figure at all in anything you do or say this year.

It could be a year of respite for you, intended to give you time to sort yourself out, get in touch with your inner guide, and become stronger. Or it could be a year when you want to stretch yourself emotionally and put yourself through tests -- such as reaching our for love, challenging your fears or facing your demons.

It's a year when you're likely to get involved in New Age ideas, or studying psychology in order to understand the strong emotions you're feeling. Self-help books are often bought for the very first time by 39-year olds - or written by them - and 87-year olds are similarly interested in understanding their feelings.

At 39 you tend to be hypersensitive, emotionally labile and difficult for others to deal with, but you're on an emotional high all year and don't see or care about the effect you're having on others. The best outcome for all concerned is for you to fall madly and passionately in love this year, but if that's not going to happen then everyone will be walking on eggshells around you. Because you have the emotional strength to cope with anything this year, it's a good year to tackle any big issues that need resolving.

At 87, your emotional strength is such that you become totally impervious to the needs of other people and, indeed, of yourself, too. You blindly refuse to admit to any weakness and can be cruel in denigrating emotional lapses in others.

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