secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 4, 52, 100

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: ego
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: ego
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: immature authority/proud authority/philosophical authority
Astrology: At 4 you're Aries-Leo and energizing; at 52 you're Leo-Leo and consolidating; at 100 you're Sagittarius-Leo and changing.

At 4, 52 and 100 you feel so powerful, so big, so superior and so important that when you ask for what you want, you will very likely get it. You wont stand for any nonsense from anyone, and will move on rather than wasting your time confronting someone of lesser value than yourself. You walk the talk and make a great impression. You are likely to derive ego satisfaction from creative pursuits this year. You will be exceptionally good at problem solving, and rolling up your sleeves and doing what needs to be done.

It's time to write that book, paint that portrait, climb that mountain or do anything that requires a powerful ego centred on doing rather than talking. You'll be like the 4-year old at kindergarten, assiduously building magnificent towers out of blocks, putting together a complicated jigsaw puzzle, drawing interesting pictures with his fingers and making delicious chocolate crackles -- just for the hell of it.

You have gained incredible confidence and power and believe that there's nothing you can't do. And you're right. At 4 --if there's a little brother or sister at home -- you can take care of them as well as an adult. You will often be left in charge of the little ones. At 4 you are recognized as being a responsible little person, and as a consequence your ego is as secure as a rock. The 4-year old, the 48-year old and the 100-year-old are 'in charge' people. They take on tremendous responsibilities and if they slip they just pick themselves up, brush themselves off and carry on without looking back.

At 52, it's a year to take on anything that requires total exercise of ego. The world's your oyster this year, go for it. The lesson to be learned this year is to grab the opportunities that present themselves to you. Because it's a year in which you'll be absorbed in creative pursuits - for your ego gratification, not anybody else's - you will be seen as a benign figure, not a threat, and people will be attracted to you. Power does have that affect on people. They will want to bask in your magnificence rather than pull you down, so take advantage of their needs and proceed without fear. Of course, you won't be interested in them, you will be far too absorbed in whatever you are doing. Nevertheless, if you are offered a position of power -- as a leader, especially one requiring focus and dedication to getting something done -- you should accept the challenge because this year more than any other you are capable of setting a magnificent example and getting things done.

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