secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 46, 94, 142

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: social
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: sensitive association/invincible association/confused association
Astrology: At 46 you're Cancer-Aquarius and energizing; at 94 you're Scorpio-Aquarius and consolidating; at 142 you're Pisces-Aquarius and changing.

In this year, you are likely to become emotionally involved in group associations or humanitarian issues; to seek work as a counselor or to engage in group therapy.

You are likely to sacrifice yourself or find yourself being used as a sacrificial lamb. Be careful not to get mired in other people's misfortunes as such misfortune will attach to you.

At 46, particularly, you are likely to cause irreparable damage to you reputation by an emotional decision to espouse some esoteric cause or by running off to join a cult. If you are unemployed and unpartnered then you have little to lose by going feral for a year, but if you have children, a partner or a high standing in your community then this is a dangerous year for you.

Also, think very carefully before adopting a third-world child, or fostering a child with disabilities this year. Chances are that you will become emotionally drained by these responsibilities within two years.

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