secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 10, 58, 106

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: ego
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: social Year Type: consolidation
Expression: immature associations/proud associations/philosophical associations
Astrology: At 10 you're Aries-Aquarius and energizing; at 58 you're Leo-Aquarius (opposition) and consolidating; at 106 you're Sagittarius-Aquarius and changing.

In this year, you are likely to be drawn towards group associations and humanitarian concerns, just like you were when you were 10 years old. At age 10, you are growing in awareness of the outside world. You become aware of poverty, disease, disability, unemployment, war, natural disasters and all types of intolerances. Depending upon the attitude of your parents, you may start befriending children who are 'different'. You empathise with them. If you have a disadvantage yourself, you become acutely aware of how other people treat you differently because of it. You see yourself in relation to others. You put yourself in their shoes. You are aware of peer pressure and the importance of belonging to a group in which some people are 'in' and others are 'out'.

At 58 there is opposition between social consolidation (associations) and ego consolidation (pride), typically expressed as being socially ostracised or shunning society

It's a year when you want to be 'in' yet feel very sorry for those left out. You will feel outraged that people in third world countries are dying of starvation, that little children are forced to work like slaves and that nobody, seemingly, is doing anything about it. You will feel outraged that our society is so wasteful and crassly materialistic in comparison with other cultures. And you will feel outraged that governments are manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.

At 10 you were very cute writing to the president of the USA, begging him to be kind to people. At 58 and at 106 you should have more sense to do such a thing, but it won't stop you caring very deeply about man's inhumanity towards his fellow man. You care because your ego is involved.

At 10, your parents probably prevented you from empathizing so closely with the downtrodden that you wanted to bring them home, and at 58 your ego should be sufficiently mature to stop you doing something similarly silly. Yes, you're drawn towards the unfortunates of this world, but you know that there is really nothing much you can do to make the world a happy place for everyone. You find yourself caring far more than you should. It's an ego thing, just like it was when you were 10 years old. You don't have to feel guilty for the miseries of others. It's not your fault. don't take it personally. Nevertheless, you'll probably go on a thrift spree this year, cutting back on this and that, in order to make yourself feel better about being better off than the less privileged.

If you have the time, energy and wealth to make a difference, then boost your ego by doing what you have to do, but don't get so heavily involved in humanitarian causes that you end up shunning your own people or being ostracised by them.
br>If you're on Struggle Street yourself, then turn your humanitarian phase inward. Save someone the bother of feeling sorry for you by saving yourself!

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