secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Opposition Ages

Because of opposition between the year and the phase, the following ages could be dangerous. Be careful of yourself and loved ones at all of these ages, and because of double dangers, be particularly careful 58-59 and 71-72.

6 and 72 - opposition between ego energy (aggression) and social energy (relationship), typically expressed as being bullied or being a bully in a close relationship

19 and 85 - opposition between material consolidation (possession) and emotional consolidation(invincibility), typically expressed as selling your soul for material gain, or paying for salvation

32 and 98 - opposition between social change (communcation) and ego change (personal development), typically expressed as a clash between what you're saying and what you're doing

45 and 111 - opposition between emotional energy (sensitivity) and material energy (ambition), typically expressed as a clash between family life and the lure of worldly success

58 and 124 - opposition between social consolidation (associations) and ego consolidation (pride), typically expressed as being socially ostracised or shunning society

71 and 137 - opposition between material change (analysis) and emotional change (confusion), typically expressed as a clash between what your checkbook is telling you and what your heart is telling you.

Also, the year before each new phase is marked by emotional change and confusion and could be equally dangerous. These ages are:

11, 59, 107
23, 71, 119
35, 83, 131
47, 95, 143

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