secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 44, 92, 140

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: ego
Year Type: change
Expression: sensitive self-development/invincible self-development/confused self-development
Astrology: At 44 you're Cancer-Sagittarius and energizing; at 92 you're Scorpio-Sagittarius and consolidating; at 140 you're Pisces-Sagittarius and changing.

Emotional self-develpment implies risk, and in this year you are liable to take gigantic risks with your emotions. It need not necessarily involve love affairs, it could be a risky business deal in which you are heavily emotionally involved, or a risky climb up Mt Everest in order to heighten your emotions, but it is typically a year when you push the boundaries emotionally.

Your ego is changing, you're self absorbed and your emotions are running high. It's a year for extra marital affairs if you're married, or playing the field if you're single. Also, if you got your just desserts at 42 in your karmic emotional year, it is a year when you really do throw caution to the wind in an effort to gain love and affection. Be extremely careful this year. You are likely to attract dangerous people.

In this emotionally charged ego change year, we feel compelled to take a risk with our emotions, to open up, to speak our minds, to put our cards on the table. It is a year when many marriages fall apart. Nobody really likes being told exactly what you think of them, and everybody hates ultimatums like shape up or ship out. You're willing to pay the price of emotional honesty, you've worked it all out beforehand. You know what you are doing. You feel emotionally strong, able to cope with the consequences.

Therefore, if there's someone you've been longing to tell how much you admire them or love them, emotional honesty can win you the love of your life in this year. And at 44, let alone 92, what do you have to lose? If you don't take the emotional risk now, you never will. Go for it it.

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