secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 37, 85, 133

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: emotional
Phase Type: energy/consolidation/change
Year: material
Year Type: consolidation
Expression: sensitive possessiveness/invincible possessiveness/confused possessiveness
Astrology: At 37 you're Cancer-Taurus and energizing; at 85 you're Scorpio-Taurus (opposition) and consolidating; at 133 you're Pisces-Taurus and changing.

At 37 and 85 your emotional needs are possessive, you are likely to smother people with love and caring and can't bear them to be away from you and out of your sight and control. You become clingy and cloying and manipulative and this is reflected in your possessions, too. You can't bear to part with anything and will accumulate things to make you feel better. There's a tendency to put on weight through eating too much comfort food.

At 85 there is opposition between material consolidation (possession) and emotional consolidation(invincibility), typically expressed as selling your soul for material gain, or paying for salvation. This is a bad year for an 85-year-old to be forced into a nursing home or to make a will. At 85, you desperately need all of your possessions around you and will resent paying for anything.

At 37, your will become very attached to your home and all the decisions you make about it are emotionally based. You become interested in feng shui and the aesthetic placing of objects. You want your family around you, you get interested in home cooking and vitamins and pot plants and you become so controlling that others may feel uncomfortable around you.

37 is the perfect age at which to become a parent. You can pour all of your emotions into a baby -- who will lap it up -- and take the pressure off everyone else.

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