secrets of your age

the crystal ball of life

February 24, 2007

Age 27, 75, 123

Cycle: energy/consolidation/change
Phase: social
Phase Type: change/energy/consolidation
Year: emotional
Year Type: energy
Expression: communicative sensitivity/relationship sensitivity/associative sensitivity
Astrology: At 27 you're Gemini-Cancer and energizing; at 75 you're Libra-Cancer and consolidating; at 123 you're Aquarius-Cancer and changing.

At 27 and 75 you will be a lot more sensitive in your communications with others than you have been previously. By the same token, you will become a lot more sensitive about what people say to you or about you. In a nutshell, your skin will be very thin this year and you must protect yourself from people who are likely to hurt your feelings.

At 27, friends may move out of your life this year, and some may betray you, but you have developed such a strong core of stalwart friends and supporters as well as faith in your own popularity that the departure or betrayal of one person will not upset you too much.

At 75, your sensitivity is going to involve a partner. It is a very dangerous age for relationships, especially if you share a home.

Generally, this is a year when your home -- or your parents -- become emotional assets or liabilities. If you have an estranged relationship with your parents, then this is the year in which your emotional sensitivity is such that you could effect a reconciliation that is sensitive to their needs as well as yours.

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